Steam Rooms
TYLO steam rooms have evolved from the luxury hot baths of the Romans.Today we construct them with walls and ceilings of more modern materials such as glass,composite plastics or tiles to deal with 100% humidity inside, during a normal bathing cycle.
Unwind amid clouds of steam, the gentle heat and penetrating humidity relaxes your body, eases muscles and soothes away the cares of everyday
TYLO offer two types of steam room, the Elysee and the Excellent range
TYLO Elysee
Made of high tech, vacuum formed, special grade white plastic for rigid steam-tight construction.This range offers individual seating with down-lighters above each seat
TYLO Excellent
Designed for professional use, the TYLO excellent product offers the most comprehensive range of sizes.The decorative cover panels can all be removed for easy cleaning,simply add your choice of generator and control panel to complete.
Commercial Steam Rooms
TYLO steam rooms are the choice of professionals. Our dedicated team of designers can arrange to meet with you to discuss your requirement for both new and/or refurbishment of an existing facility.With exceptional commercial warranties to support a quality product and many satisfied commercial operators we are confident that TYLO is the perfect choice to deal with heavy footfall and demand of modern day facilities